Easter ride to Schwabmünchen, April 2014

An Easter ride to Schwabmünchen with huge temperature differences
The journey to Schwabmünchent was very cold. I followed the rain and never got really wet but it was ugly. On the way I tried to find some traditional Easter decoration but not with much success.
Map 2014_04_18

A ride into Allgäu mountains was planned for the second day. But with rain and 37 F in the morning we decided to do some sightseeing in Landsberg and Augsburg. In the evening we watched the premier league soccer game. Augsburg vs. Berlin. 0:0 tie.

The journey back to Berlin followed the theme of yellowness. Yellow color everywhere. Mostly canola but also dandelion and some other stuff. Beautiful. Wolfgang escorted me for the first 120 miles.
Map 2014_04_20