Cologne, July 2011

I am just for a weekend in Cologne and visit Franz and Susanne. Main reason is the Rocky Horror Show being on stage in Cologne. But we add in other nice things too.
Nothing one can think of in Berlin: In Cologne you are allowed to fly over the city within a private airplane.
Tom and Susanne get ready

Cologne Cathetral comes in sight

The building with the blue tent roof is the musical theatre where we will go in the evening.

I can see Franz' house

Flying over the cathetral

Approaching airport Köln-Bonn (CGN) for a fly over - again, unthinkable for Berlin (TXL)

Fly over CGN

Touch down in Bonn-Hangelar (EKDB)

Now it is Franz' turn

In the evening we go to the musical
We look forward to watching the show

Break. Of course we sang along and we did all the things which needed to be done.

The evening comes to an end with Cologne Lights. This is a boat parade at river Rhine combined with fire works. Quite nice.